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Servus = Hello to the Austrian Clean Team.

To this recipe for success, you bring together the following:
being innovative, a tinkerer, a tackler, creativity, an all-rounder,
a lot of team spirit and joy for work –
and multiply everything by 50.

Voilà: This is us – the claro team.
Together, we create a lot.
But at claro you can do much more together!

Research and development: by gosh!

Getafix himself would rub his hands together in claro’s innovation centre. And when it rumbles and thunders around our company building, our researchers’ brains are once again hit by lots of flashes of inspiration. Fortunately, it doesn’t hurt – and what comes out of it makes us mighty proud.

  1. Inventor of the water-soluble film
  2. Inventor of the first Hygiene Tabs
  3. Phosphate-free since 2008
  4. Certified with EU Ecolabel and Austrian Ecolabel
  5. 2019 test winner Stiftung Warentest with claro Classic Tabs

Mixing plant: here comes together what comes together!

Psssst, don’t tell anyone. But this is where claro’s unofficial bakery and commercial kitchen is located. You won’t find any delicacies here, but you will find a lot to amaze you. In the mixing room, the individual raw materials that we use for our tabs and powders are mixed together. The base is almost always the same – the decisive factor is the “spices” for the individual phases. Each phase goes into its own hopper, and then each individual phase becomes its own tab. Finally, the tab press does its job: it presses the individual phases together and the claro tabs are ready.

Production: this is where our creators work!

What we have: Creators, nimble and hard-working hands, people who keep track of many processes and always know where things are going. Add to that lots of machines like tabs presses and assembly lines. And there you are in the middle of claro’s modern production department.

It is characterised by:

  1. Flexible production processes
  2. Expandable production capacity
  3. Fast decision making

Office: Welcome to the claro control centre!

What would the big picture be without the small common denominators? Correct: pure chaos. And that’s why we have the right people in the right places. Whether it’s our sales talents on the front line or the procurers in purchasing, our creative people in marketing or the number crunchers in accounting: everyone does what he or she does best.